Behind the Brand

Hi, Courtney here, and I thought it was a fine time for a re-introduction post! I live in Houston, Texas with my husband, two boys, and two dogs, one of which we fondly refer to as our cat-dog. I love to cook, work through a crossword puzzle, host friends and family at home, and build playlists for our poolside parties.
I have always been a get-up-and-go gal. I wake early and hit the ground running, which means I fizzle out early at night.
My first car was a second-hand 1980s Nissan Maxima that eventually stopped going in reverse. I drove it this way throughout my college years.
I prefer my nails short and painted – bright colors on my hands and neutral on my toes. I decided this is my summer of fun nails and have granted the nail tech free reign with lively colors and painted designs.
I married my college sweetheart, who has known me since I was 19. Thankthegoodlord I’m nowhere near the same person I was then, and I’m grateful he embraces my continued growth and change.
I love games of all kinds. At 18 I won a blackjack tournament on a cruise ship and Gin Rummy with my girlfriends while living overseas was a weekly highlight.
Barbie, though never passé, is having her time in the spotlight. I was, however, more of a Jem girl and had every rocking Hologram – and their myriad of motley outfits.
I wear my clothes for years, decades. I’m not bothered by repeating outfits or others seeing me in the same item time and time again. I love fashion, but I really love well-designed quality pieces that stand the test of time. Fast fashion hurts my soul.
While living in Kuala Lumpur, grocery shopping at ‘wet markets’ and driving on the other side of the road (for years I hit the wipers instead of signaling my blinker) challenged rudimentary tasks, but I loved the adventure so much I penned a monthly article titled ‘Courting KL’ for a local magazine chronicling my explorations and finds.
I collect antique hats and puppets as souvenirs of my travels, and continue to add to my Michoacán pineapple pottery collection whenever I stumble across them in Mexico.
I love indefinable colors that lean towards a certain shade but have so many layered undertones it’s hard to put a name on the exact hue. If you’ve been around for a while, you know I’ve never met a muddy green or tawny ochre that didn’t make my heart skip a beat.
My first visit to India nearly 15 years ago was trying with the barrage of touts, hardcore negotiations over everything from chewing gum to antiques, an unfavorable overnight experience on the Indian Railways, and cow patties continually splattered onto my legs, yet I still found myself in constant amazement of the unforgettable sights and vivid people. With each return visit to the world's most populous country, I’m in awe of how each person has a way of standing out in the motley crowd. Everyone should have a friend just as colorful and distinct; mine is my Kiwi gal pal, Rachael. On a trip to India together, I arrived with a suitcase large enough to house the Queen of Sheba’s wardrobe; her backpack contained 1 change of clothes, a rope, mosquito net, headlight, sink plug, swim goggles, duct tape, and a door stop. I’ll be darned, by the end of our journey we had used every one of her ‘essentials’ more than once.
I’ve loved reminiscing and sharing more about myself behind the brand with all of you. Fun facts aside, I’ve also enjoyed reflecting on the past 12 years of CB. Nothing makes me happier than showcasing handmade beauty from around the globe and helping you discover special pieces to weave into the story of your own home. Over the years – thanks to each of you – I’ve expanded my collection of linens, antiques, and objects of charm and established two storefronts in Houston and Round Top, Texas. Whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or recently joined along, I’m appreciative to each of you who continue building these relationships of love and loyalty with us.
xx CB